MooV-tool: Transforming Supply Chain Logistics

MooV-tool: Transforming Supply Chain Logistics

At BIOTRANSFORM, we're committed to advancing the transition from fossil-based to sustainable bio-based supply chains. To support this vital shift, we’re excited to introduce innovative tools that facilitate this change. One such tool is our MooV-tool—a powerful resource for optimizing logistics and supply chain configurations across EU regions (

MooV-tool: Transforming Supply Chain Logistics

Customizing Sustainable Supply chains

The MooV-tool is a service developed by VITO, to tailor the design of supply chain logistics. It helps clients rethink their logistics in a scientifically grounded and independent manner. MooV focuses on strategic and tactical decisions such as:

  • Determining optimal locations for new or to be merged activities
  • Defining the best throughput capacities throughout the supply chain network
  • Organizing pick-up and drop-off routes
  • Optimizing fleet capacity

Our team works closely with clients to calculate the performance impact of alternative scenarios on their supply chains, taking into account key parameters like quantity, quality, location, planning, and costs. We guide customers through these results, enabling them to better understand and optimize their supply chains.

BIOTRANSFORM in Action: Regional Case Studies

Identifying and Addressing Logistical Challenges

Within the BIOTRANSFORM project, our MooV team engaged with the six case study regions, conducting preliminary assessments to identify potential logistical or supply chain design challenges. With regional transition pathways towards biotransformation in mind, we examined these pathways for any logistical or supply chain challenges that might arise.

Spotlight on Case Studies: Charles Spa Region & Andalusia

Charles Spa Region, Czech Republic: In the Charles Spa region, food waste collection is well-organized, but there’s potential to elevate downstream processing to produce higher-value products while reducing environmental impact. For example, integrating biogas production with current composting operations could be beneficial. The focus is on the cities of Karlovy Vary and Mariánské Lázně, both tourist hotspots, which generates peaks in biowaste production in the tourist season. The key question is identifying the optimal location to centralize food waste collection and organize downstream processing. This logistic challenge will be addressed in close collaboration with our local partner, BIOEAST HUB CZ.

Andalusia, Spain: In Andalusia, olive groves dominate the landscape and have seen rapid expansion. Beyond olive oil, the pruning of these groves produces large amounts of woody material. Andaltec, the regional technological center for plastics, is interested in using this feedstock for bioplastic production in a local biorefinery (specifically, reinforcement of polymers to be used by the car manufacturing industry). However, collecting prunings, chipping, storing, and transferring them to the biorefinery requires a well-organized logistics strategy. MooV will collaborate with local partners CTA and Andaltec to develop the best mobilization strategy and determine the optimal location for the biorefinery.

Looking Ahead: Stay tuned for the results

Currently, we are actively working on both cases and will share the results, recommendations, and lessons learned in upcoming newsletters. Stay tuned for further updates.

Funded by the European Union under GA no.101081833. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. The granting authority cannot be held responsible for them