Feedback group session with wood biomass experts

On 11/6/2024, the Bioeconomy and Environment Cluster of Western Macedonia (CluBE) organiaed an online focus group to present possible circular value chains and pathways for utilising underutilised resources.

The aim was to evaluate those possibilities with the help of participants who are experts in biomass. The focus group included Georgios Ntalos (Professor at the University of Thessaly), Marios Trigas (Deputy Professor at the University of Thessaly), Nikos Damatis (General Secretary of HELLABIOM), and Vassilis Filippou (ESEK), who shared their expertise and experience.

This focus group, along with others that will be organised in the near future, intended to provide an opportunity for active participation in shaping a transition to the bioeconomy. The results of this focus group will be used to develop roadmaps for implementing the bioeconomy in selected areas.

The focus group was organised by Dora Kalea and Brena Gaspar as part of the EU-funded innovation project BIOTRANSFORM, which aims to transform regional economic systems through a circular, bio-based economic transition.



Funded by the European Union under GA no.101081833. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. The granting authority cannot be held responsible for them