BIOTRANSFORM’s activities to Zenodo

We're excited to share a major update on our project. We've uploaded important new knowledge and findings from BIOTRANSFORM’s activities to Zenodo.

Our extensive database now includes insights from a comprehensive review of current circular bioeconomy solutions. This review covers processing technologies, end-products, logistics, market and policy incentives, legal best practices, and associated measurement indicators such as circular material use rates, readiness levels, conversion efficiencies, and methodologies for accessing/mapping primary and secondary bio-resources. We drew on literature and existing projects, focusing on underutilized infrastructures that could support a transition towards circular bio-based approaches in our case-study regions and proposed industry segments.

In addition, we have gathered data from interviews and surveys conducted with policymakers and other stakeholders in our case-study regions. These interactions provided insights into the limitations of current linear and fossil-based systems and revealed barriers and opportunities for transitioning to a circular bioeconomy. The results from all six case-study regions were aggregated and analysed to identify potential similarities and differences.

We have also created a repository that functions as a comprehensive library of existing impact assessment methodologies. This repository houses 122 selected publications on the environmental, societal, and economic impacts of creating and using resources in a circular way. The studies are classified according to a color-coded multicriteria scheme, making it easy for users to find and select the most relevant methodologies.

Last but not least, we have established a community for our project on Zenodo, where all those files and resources can be easily accessed



Funded by the European Union under GA no.101081833. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. The granting authority cannot be held responsible for them